There is nothing quite like beginning the day with a swim in the beautiful Walpole Nornalup Inlet.
A small group of swimmers meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6:30am from December through to May. This is a mixed ability group and anyone is welcome to join the group. Meet at the western end of Coalmine Beach.
Contact Sarah 0458592466
Walpole Weather
Sat17°C - 35°C
Sun18°C - 31°C
Mon16°C - 30°C
Tue16°C - 22°C
Current Conditions
Temperature: 22.7°C
Feels like: 21.6°C
Dew point: 17.2°C
Relative humidity: 71%
Wind: E at 19 km/h, gusting to 35 km/h
Rain: 0.0mm since 9am
Pressure: 1008.6 hPa

Feels like: 21.6°C
Dew point: 17.2°C

Relative humidity: 71%
Wind: E at 19 km/h, gusting to 35 km/h

Rain: 0.0mm since 9am
Pressure: 1008.6 hPa