Nominate Now
Nominations for the 2025 regatta are now open.
Please email for any questions about the regatta.
Walpole Weather
Sat17°C - 35°C
Sun18°C - 31°C
Mon16°C - 30°C
Tue16°C - 22°C
Current Conditions
Temperature: 27.3°C
Feels like: 26.4°C
Dew point: 18.0°C
Relative humidity: 56%
Wind: NE at 19 km/h, gusting to 32 km/h
Rain: 0.0mm since 9am
Pressure: 1006.4 hPa

Feels like: 26.4°C
Dew point: 18.0°C

Relative humidity: 56%
Wind: NE at 19 km/h, gusting to 32 km/h

Rain: 0.0mm since 9am
Pressure: 1006.4 hPa